This is a format where members can share experiences or discuss issues. The rules are those of common sense and respect. We can’t wait to hear from you. Please send your input to
On May 2, 2020, at 12:22 PM, Barry Bowman wrote:
Neighbors have found several large grouper heads floating around their docks in the boat ramp canal. Grouper are out of season. If caught the culprit will be reported to FWC. Whoever you are you are not a sportsman.
Barry Bowman ><\\\•>
Attempted Break-in
From our Citrus County Sheriff Resource Officer Jimmy Sudlow regarding attempted break-in on Catbird Street.
Below is a brief recap of what happened in your subdivision:
The case number I have for this incident is 2020-00045268. On 04-05-2020 at 2345hours we received a call on N Catbird Pt. reference to a homeowner seeing two subjects in her vehicle via a security camera. As soon as the call came out the Sargent on Duty directed 4 Deputies and a K-9 Deputy to that location. Units searched the area for over an hour, but was not able to locate anybody. While on scene, it appeared that other vehicles were entered but the owners to those vehicles did not want a report because nothing was taken. Deputies on scene obtained surveillance video and it was turned into evidence. The case is assigned to Detective Steelfox and if you or anyone in the community have any questions they can contact him or you can ask me.
I will be forwarding you a “Secure it Citrus” Campaign flyer that you send out through your H.O.A email if you want to.
19th St. Race Track
I encourage members to get license numbers of those who drive reclessly in Woodland Estates. I will also post your comments here if yo have them. Thanks to Stephen Simpson for his comment.
Tom Voelz
Board Members,
Today I witnessed 2 very serious traffic infractions while at and leaving the boat ramp. The first was while waiting to back into the boat ramp a motorcycle passed between my truck and trailer and the fence on the sidewalk. The second was while driving west on 19th boat in tow doing 25MPH just past Mary's house and about to enter the turn onto 21st we were past by 2 cars. Donna was driving and I had to call out to her to stop before an accident happened. All of 19th and 21st has double yellow lines which means NO PASSING. I have sent a message to the Citrus Sheriff office. But without a license plate number I could not give them enough information.
Maybe a mass email to the members will help to make the streets safer.
Stephen Simpson
Friends of the Park
Hi Tom,
Would you let the Association know that the stunning place they live right next to would love their involvement? I'm forwarding the letter to you, if you could share, either by forwarding or placing on WEHA's website.
Thanks very much. How did the meeting go? We are trapped in MD waiting for the storm and clogged roads......
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chancey, Marla L. <>
Date: Fri, Sep 14, 2018, 5:04 PM
Subject: Do you have what it takes to be a Friend to the Crystal River State Parks-I know you do
Dear Volunteers:
Often, if you don’t know-you can’t care, right?
I know that each one of you care, because you have shown commitment and dedication to the volunteer program.
I wanted to share with you a message from the Friends crafted by our very own published author and Vice President of the Friends of the Crystal River State Parks, Mike Petellat in order to provide an overview of accomplishments and future volunteer involvement needs.
Since January of 2018 The Friends have funded and coordinated the following:
- Modernized membership management purchasing Wild Apricot Membership Software
- Established a website, with a special “Members Only” section (
- Refurbished the historic Kodawood chair and added a hand carved side table for the Archaeological site museum building.
- Coordinated installation and tinting of the windows at the Museum building, protecting the integrity of the artifacts and conserving energy costs.
- Upgraded layout and equipment at the Preserve meeting room-Installed cabinetry, a sink, flat screen TV, sound bar and a HD DVD player.
- Attended numerous Chamber of Commerce events and networked with key businesses.
- Joined the Friends of the Florida State Parks foundation.
- Professionalization of image acquiring and funding CSO (Citizen Support Organization) business cards, membership brochures, donation envelopes and logo T-Shirts.
- Continued support of the Eco-Heritage boat tours (funding captains’ salaries and boat maintenance costs.)
- Replacement of binoculars for use by passengers on the boat tours.
- Provided a refrigerator for CSO event storage (sunset tours)
- Co-funded interpretive panels at the Archaeological site and Yulee Sugarmill Ruins.
And much more…(metal recycling, donation of Halloween supplies to Homosassa, volunteer appreciation support items…)
The Friends work to find new ways to support the Crystal River State Parks, and while the challenges are great, the rewards for our visitors and volunteers are greater. The Park Service is about giving a low cost /high value experience with nature and the cultural resources of this great state.
Next year can be an exciting time, but we need your help. Your experience can make for greater efficiency in reaching our goals.
If you are computer savvy, or an organizer, a planner, a naturalist, a writer, a networker, or a nature photographer we can put your skills to good use.
New volunteer involvement is needed to:
-Create and conduct new programming for park visitors (hikes, walks, talks and tours)
-Be part of a committee focusing on modernization of exhibits and improvements to the Archaeolgoical Site museum building .
-Improve park hiking/biking trail amenities (we have 5 separate trailheads and 17 miles of trails)
-Fund or fundraising to offer tram tours on the seven-mile loop trail.
In the next month the Nominating committee will be contacting you to determine if you or someone you know can help with our needs.
We don’t want much, just the best-and many of you -are without question some of the best volunteers in the state park system.
If you are interested in offering to serve on the Friends board, or get involved beyond your current commitments by joining the friends or being part of the future of the parks-just send a note or have a conversation with one of the Friends members on the nominating committee.
Mike Petellat
Marla Chancey
(352) 302-8997 (TEXT or call)
Gail Kostelnik
Common Courtesy
We have recently observed neighbors allowing their dogs to poop in our yard without it being picked up. We do not own a dog and do not appreciate other pet owners allowing their pets to relieve themselves on our lawn. Could you please send a reminder for folks to please pick up after their pets. Thank you very much.
Dan & Kim Gilliam
Code Compliance
Dear Tom;
I was hoping you could run an item in the newsletter explaining a conflict many homeowners are having with the City and how it could affect all of us In Woodlands Estates.
Several months ago about 40 owners of RV's were cited by Code Enforcement for violation of a vague outdated ordinance which requires RV's to be placed in a side or back yard. The same ordinance does not apply to boats, boat trailers or utility trailers, which are permitted in driveways and front yards.
Enforcement has been at the suggestion/encouragement/ pressure of the City Planning Board, or more specifically, the Chairman and Vice Chairman (Bob Froehling and Keith Raym), both Woodlands Estates residents. Both have expressed on the record their distaste for RV's in our neighborhood. I have personally requested that they recuse themselves from any decision because of their bias.
Many of us cited by Code Enforcement had built pads at considerable expense at the direction of a code enforcement officer on the sides of our house. I did mine 11 years ago when I built my house. The officer at the time said that as long as it did not block the view of emergency vehicles looking for an address it would comply. My 24-ft. travel trailer is 50% behind the front plane of my house. What was interpreted as compliance then is now a violation. My neighbor Jim Tittle had a similar experience only two years ago. He built his pad after consulting code enforcement with the same result of compliance followed by notice of violation.
We have been to several Planning Commission meetings to protest this treatment but we are not optimistic. If the Planning Commission refuses to modify the ordinance it will then go to the City Council for review and approval as it stands.. The City Council is more likely to be sympathetic to RV owners. They are more likely to see the current disparity between owning a boat and an RV and where you can store it. They could decide Planning has been unfair or even consider more restrictive rules that could affect boat owners in a similar fashion.
We are not a deed restricted community. We are a mix or modest older homes and newer stilt homes. What we have in common is that we don't want city government telling us what we can own and where we can store it.
The Planning Commission next meets at 5:30 pm, Thursday, June 7. I would urge all residents to attend and watch for the item on City Council agendas.
Kevin P. Mulligan
Gas in Canal
There are pilings being driven for a house on 20th Ave. The FWC investigator I called in confirmed it was gasoline. The spill started when American began operations and it ended when they pulled their barge out. This is not the first time American has polluted this canal. The same problem occurred the last time they were here with their barge and I called FWC. These barges are not well maintained. At a minimum they should be putting a boom around their work site. Barges should also be inspected. FYI.
Barry Bowman ><\\\•>
Tom; On the canal between 16th and 17th street, on the 16th st side a
company I believe American Marine ( not sure) was installing a boat
house or lift about 2 weeks ago with there barge and suddenly left
Maybe they had a hyd hose break or something that spilled into the
water, anyway it's the right time frame and hyd oil takes along time
to evaporate and alittle spreads along way. Gas would have evaporated
in a day or so.. I hear someone pounding poles over that way today
,maybe they are back to finish. Scott
From: Roger Smith
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:33 PM
To: David Burnell
Subject: RE: Sheen in canal update
Update on the Sheen:
On Friday after my previous update the USCG made contact with me stating they would send up a few reservists from Sector St. Pete. The reservist made contact with me on Saturday morning; we worked out a strategy to look for origin of the sheen once he arrived in the afternoon. I would meet them at the canal to search from our boat. I patrolled the canal area in the morning and found no noticeable "rainbow" sheen. However a faint greyish sheen could be observed in a few locations on an out-going tide, a few pictures were taken to document my observations. Later in the afternoon the USCG reservist contacted me via phone on this way back to St. Pete. He stated he had been at the canal, found no sheen, made contact with his reporting party and closed the report. He noted if anyone observed anything significant to feel free to reach out to the USCG in the future. I patrolled the area once again with similar results as I had observed in the morning. On Sunday and again on Monday morning I was unable to locate any notable sheen. Monday evening at 6pm I received a call about a sheen the canal; on investigation I observed a mild sheen along dock and seawall on NW 20th Ave. This appeared mostly grey in color with no notable odor; however if a sample was collected in a glass a very faint odor of gas or similar petroleum product was present. This morning and again this afternoon only a very faint sheen could be observed near the end of the canal at NW 19th St.
I will continue to monitor the area but it appears no new or significant sheen has been observed in a few days
Roger Smith
Water Patrol
City of Crystal River
From: David Burnell
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 1:51 PM
To: Roger Smith
Subject: Re: Sheen in canal update
Rodger, dish soap is really bad will Explain later but it increases the s fine by 10 times
On May 11, 2018, at 5:35 PM, Roger Smith wrote:
I was unable to determine any significant sheen this morning, later in the day I observed a noticeable slick with the incoming tide. It was odorless and appeared to be dark brown/ greyish in color at the end of nearly every canal in this area. It looks like it may be breaking down and combining with pollen or other organic film on the water at the end of the canals. The picture attached is at the end of the eastern canal of Woodland at the boat ramp along NW 19th St. I talked to several of the neighbors in the area and provided contact information, I have yet to be able to identify the direct source of the sheen. I sent a few more pictures to USCG, they may send someone over the weekend to assist in locating the source.
Also one of the property owners stated he thinks one of the other neighbors may have put dish liquid in the water to break up the oil, he said it produced white foam by a boats passing by. I have no other accounts or evidence to support this but it is not recommended and would increase the environmental impact.
Roger Smith
Water Patrol
From: Roger Smith
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:13 PM
To: michael.a.walker US Coast Guard
Subject: Sheen in canal in Crystal River
Mr. Walker,
Attached to this email are a few pictures staff took today around 1130am, she made contact with the reporting party at 1940 NW 17th St in Crystal River. We received the original report on Monday (5/7/18); I observed a faint but noticeable sheen on the water with a mild odor of a petroleum product. My findings were reported to the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. I have been monitoring the status of this sheen over the last few days from shore and patrol vessel. Over the last several days we have received a number of calls reporting the sheen, all within close proximity of the reporting location. The property owner on the north side of the canal located at 1641 NW 20th Ave has reported significant sheen and odor in the early morning for the last three days. It appears the majority of the reported sheen and odors are predominantly in the morning with incoming/ high tides.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or any if there is any assistance the City may be able to provide.
I had to attach the pictures to a few emails due to size restrictions.
Roger Smith
Water Patrol
City of Crystal River
Hi Tom,
Jim & I received a call from the Coast Guard today. They haven’t located a source and encourage the neighbors to travel the canal and see if they can see the source as well. He agreed it was likely coming from our canal and not the river. He also asked that people continue to report it as no news will make them think its resolved.
USCG 800-424-8802.
Tom - For a week now there has been a lot of gasoline in the canal. The smell is so strong at times that we can’t enjoy our dock. It can’t be healthy for the fish or manatees either. Someones boat is leaking, someone has a leaking tank on land or one of the many construction companies here is operating equipment that is leaking. I’ve reported it to FWC and they were here yesterday, but obviously didn’t source it as its back today. What can be done?
Barry Bowman, C.R.M.P.
This canal is the one that goes to the boat ramp along 20th Ave. Neighbors please check your boats, cars etc. to be sure there is no leak.
The following is an email from Dave Burnell, Crystal River City Manager to Mayor Jim Farley:
(personal information removed)
This has been a problem since sometime last weekend, there is a film of we believe is fuel that comes and goes from the canals. This appears to move with the tides and evaporate during the afternoon sun. The Coast Guard has been out twice on the complaint and at that time there was only trace amounts in the canal and no apparent source. Rodger spent a half a day Tuesday trying to determine the origin, we flew a drone looking to find a source. There is some construction in the area that could have been the origin but unlikely reoccurring source.
Tomorrow morning Rodger is coming in early because the sheen seems heaviest early. My boating experience tells me it could be a boat in this general canal area that has fuel in the bilge and it randomly pumps some out with bilge water.
I have attached a communication Rodger made with USCG today on his day off about this issue with pictures Linda Burch was able to get today. It does not take much fuel to make this kind of sheen. Will keep you updated but staff is trying to find the source and get assistance from USCG and DEP.
Dave Burnell
City Manager
From: Jim Farley
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 4:22 PM
To: David Burnell
Cc:Tom Voelz
Subject: Fwd: gasoline
Can you have someone look into this?
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tom Voelz
Date: May 10, 2018 at 3:01:32 PM EDT
To: Jim & Lynn Farley
Subject: Fwd: gasoline
Hi Jim,
Is there anyone on the city staff who can help with this?
Begin forwarded message:
From: Barry Bowman
Subject: gasoline
Date: May 10, 2018 at 12:26:47 PM EDT
To:Tom Voelz
Tom - For a week now there has been a lot of gasoline in the canal. The smell is so strong at times that we can’t enjoy our dock. It can’t be healthy for the fish or manatees either. Someones boat is leaking, someone has a leaking tank on land or one of the many construction companies here is operating equipment that is leaking. I’ve reported it to FWC and they were here yesterday, but obviously didn’t source it as its back today. What can be done?
Barry Bowman, C.R.M.P.
Dog Owners Please Clean Up
It is our understanding that when neighbors walk their dogs they are to pick up the dogs waste. Unfortunately our street has become a dog walk for neighbors who do not do this. We do not want to start a neighborhood feud but get tired of other dogs doodoo in our yards and right in front of mailboxes on our street. NOT JUST OURS> How can we address this problem without causing repercussions? We also have a large omount of dog droppings on NW 18th. Court. This seems to be the OFFICIAL dog walk but no one picks up!!!
Submitted via email
Comments about Hermine
Hi Tom,
Just returned to upstate NY after a few days cleaning out the basement in Crystal River. I’m not sure what forum to use, but I wanted to pass along how impressed I was with the warmth and friendliness of our community. So many people offered help when I was struggling with heavy trash bags, or even a ride home when I located a garbage can several blocks away. I feel badly for my neighbors who had considerably more damage than I, but we are all truly fortunate to have such a great group of people around us. Can’t wait to retire and get to spend more time in Crystal River!
Sandy Miller
Good News Bad News
Via Email
Been wanting to email you and just kept putting it off...We feel Kudos should go to Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan for picking up trash on 19th Street and 18th Court and putting up signs and cleaning out the pond. They have been very diligent in keeping our great area clean. Also kudos to the couple (I don't know their name) at 1750 NW 17th Court for scrubbing that nasty orange paint off of 18th court in the blazing sun. It looks much better.
On a sour note---Aren't responsible pet owners supposed to clean up after their dogs? 18th Court and 17th court seem to be the walking area for dogs which is fine. But the owners are not picking up poop especially from the roadway. Nasty...
We have a great community and appreciate what owners do to keep it that way.
Dick and Janet Yant